Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Blue Crush

Whether at a press event or off duty, Kate Bosworth has incredible style. The actress seems to know exactly what suits her, (flirty dresses, short-shorts, the colour blue) and sticks to the formula (lithe limbs out, blonde hair shined, lips pinked) for perfection every time. She never looks like she’s trying too hard, or that she has been turned out by a stylist.

Case-in-point: the outfit she wore to a soiree for The Kings Speech in Los Angeles earlier in the week was perfectly polished whilst being casual enough for a party at which she was only a guest, not the focal point. I love the two different shades of grey, and the gorgeous draping of her skirt. She accessorized the look with her favourite ankle boots, a couple of necklaces and sleekly disheveled golden locks.

Here are some images of Kate’s style, both on duty, and off.

(On a side note, Kate’s shade of blonde is absolutely perfect don’t you think? I love the ice-coolness of it.)

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