As I spend a good portion of my days browsing the web I have been saving images as I’ve been going along of things I like, be this a space, a layout, a colour or an accessory. I thought I’d share with you the images I have collected so far this month. The majority of these pictures I’ve saved because of their colours, but the picture of the study (1st image) I’ve saved because I love the storage shelf boxes, I also love that there is quite a lot of ‘stuff’ in such a small space but it still looks very clean and tidy. We’re planning on getting a 2 bed place, so the second room will be turned into an office/ work space for me and my final year at university.
Side note: I’m not sure whether I’m the more excited party actually, as we will be having Sky installed and I know how much He loves Sky Sports…joy.
These pictures have been mainly taken from Pinterest and (of course) Cupcakes and Cashmere.
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