Tuesday 3 August 2010


OK, so I'm going to try and keep this post as un-hurtful as possible, because everyone everywhere is slating this look from top-to-toe.

Seriously though Mischa, what has happened to you? I remember the days of The OC when you had impecible style, laid back Cali-cool - this look was perfect for you. Your hair was a gorgeous shade of blondette, always beautifully styled into casual waves or straightened with a high-gloss finish. Your make-up always fresh and glowing, highlighted by a subtle tan.

But now, the style, gloss and glow have been replaced with this:

An unflattering dress, yellow hair and clown make up on a pasty complexion. As I am in a 'be nice' mood, I am going to stop myself here, as it is unfair to kick someone when they are down. Instead, I have decided to post some images of Mischa's glory days. Remember when she used to look like this:

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